
The Freifunk-AG meets weekly on Tuesday evening at 18:00 (c.t.) in Room E131. At these meetings you can learn everything you need for running Freifunk - from positioning antennas to configuring access points.
If you want to participate, you will find interesting projects and the right people to kick off your own project! There are many opportunities for supporting Freifunk: as network engineer, programmer, author, designer or idea promoter... just get in touch with us and tell us your idea.


We communicate not only face-to-face at the meetings but also through a public matrix-Chat. You can find it at here. If you don't have a personal matrix-Account yet, you can use Just log in with your TU-Credentials.



You have suggestions on how we could improve the website or have found some errors? Please report these here. The source code of the website can be found on